Portrait of a girl in Rome with Italian flags waving in the background
The Colosseum in Rome photographed during the day
Street photo of a young boy leaning over a stone wall at the Victor Emmanuel monument looking at a waving Italian flag
An elegant elderly man photographed in the streets of Rome
Black and white portrait of a blonde girl standing in front of the Victor Emmanuel monument in Rome
Low angle monochrome shot showing part of the Victor Emmanuel monument and a victory column
The beautiful courtyard of Arco degli Acetari in Rome
Young girl looking over the city of Rome from the pincio terrace at sunset
Scenic view of Rome photographed at sunset
Travel photo showing a panorama view of Rome as the sun sets behind St. Peter's Basilica
St. Peter's Basilica photographed from the pincio terrace as the sun sets behind the dome casting orange light rays
Portrait of a girl standing between large columns at Piazza del Campidoglio as the sun casts a lens flare
The dome of the Pantheon photographed from inside as the moon shines through the round opening at the top
A Piaggio ape parked in an overgrown couryard at Arco degli Acetariphotographed in black and white
Monochrome street photography showing an elderly man having coffee in front of the church San Giovanni Calibita at Isola Tiberina
A man on a motor scooter picking up a bag of groceries from a vendor in front of salsamentaria ruggeri in Rome
Street portrait of a man smoking a cigarette taken at Isola Tiberina
View on Isola Tiberina and Fatebenefratelli hospital photographed in black and white
Black and white photo of the Trevi fountain
Several people in front of the Spanish Steps as the sun lights up the church on top
Three men having a conversation on the Spanish steps photographed in black and white
Two people sitting on a bench between two large trees at the gardens of the Palatine hill
People in rowing boats in front of the Temple of Aesculapius at villa Borghese
Black and white photo of the church Santi Luca e Martina next to an ancient triumphal arch at the Roman forum
Black and white photo showing part of the Victor Emmanuel monument with several columns
Ancient ruins photographed in black and white at the Roman Forum
Remansts of Roman columns in front of Palazzo Senatorio
Black and white photo showing a single column at Forum Romanum
The sun shining through ancient Roman columns photographed in black and white
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